Radically Alive Immersion

Radically Alive Women’s Immersion is a held, intentional space for the feminine soul. It offers a place for your deepest feminine nature to be met, nurtured, remembered and the seed within your feminine being to be fostered to life. 

Maybe you have never experienced that before, but a part of you is hungry for something deeper. At Radically Alive Women’s Immersion you get to go deep within yourself so as to come fully alive, as a woman, right now. This happens in connection with yourself, other women, and the Earth.

In botany, the radicle is the first part of a seedling to emerge from the seed during germination. It is the embryonic root of the plant that grows downward in the soil. Radically Alive serves to reconnect women with their deeply rooted aliveness and their resources. It is for women that are willing to show up as who they are, growing into their full power as adult Women.


  • Have you ever dreamed of being witnessed by other women, in your rawest form? Has your soul ever longed to express your deepest grievances of your personal life and the life on planet earth right now? Have you ever hungered to be witnessed by other women, held by them and not be made wrong, instead for your pain to be the exact ingredients for unfolding a new context to play full out in.
  • Have you ever longed to go deep within your own being and tap into your fiery hot fierce rage and be witnessed by other women as you go there. To be seen in your fiercest power and your most gentle grace.
  • Are you thirsty for a safe space to unfold layer after layer of everything you have ever suppressed, held back and numbed yourself to?
  • Have you ever longed to travel consciously into the fear frozen in your female body from all the labels and expectations you have carried from the moment you were born and perhaps fears that you inherited?
  • Have you ever longed to find a circle of women ready to be with you as you discover, unleash, mature and express all of yourself?
  • Have you ever longed for Women who will not try to fix you, who will not try to make you smaller, who will not diminish you, or will not leave you in the dust? Instead, who will be with you as you unfold the most deeply feminine aspects of yourself, enabling your authentic Being to step forward from the flames of your own process? 

If you answered yes, to any of the above, Radically Alive Women’s Immersion is the space for you. 


RAW Immersion is not about ownership, competing, winning or profit. It is not about showing you one way or path. It is not about prescribing a set of rules, enforcing a hierarchy or following a guru. It is not about pretending or diminishing your power or anyone else’s. It is not about fixing you, because you are not broken. It is not about healing you once and for all. It is not about living in a fantasy world together. It is not about hating men. 


Remembering your innate connection to yourself, other women and the simplicity that you are the Earth. 


The Earth is an expression of consciousness. It is a conscious entity, one with incredible wisdom. It holds the sentience of all beings within it. Human’s, as a species, have an ability to numb themselves to this exact aliveness in all beings, including themselves. 

Through this zombie-like trance, humans are able to violently take from the Earth and poison the very thing that gives us life.  The devastating result of this collective zombieism is that the resources of planet Earth are being depleted and the very systems that sustain life are being destroyed and polluted. 

Women enable the perpetuation of a culture that normalises ecocidal systems by silencing their authentic voice and numbing themselves to their lived experience in a female body. They do this by isolating and staying in competition with one another. The antidote to this is coming together as Women to reconnect to that Earth within us. 


The Spaceholders for the context of Radically Alive Women: Annika, Damiet, Julia and Sybille have all taken a stand for women to wake up to their innate power as life givers, to become that silenced voice of the Earth within. The four day event is a culmination of thousands of hours of personal healing, training and real life experimenting on what it takes to reawaken that force innately within Women, to go first in sourcing regenerative cultures. 

Each of these women have taken radical steps to exit their corporate jobs and seemingly secure career paths. To instead start walking upright as Women in their own Authority. Choosing to come into a radical responsible connection with their own life and as such enter the path of their own authentic Womanhood. They have chosen to move into connection and collaboration with other women and empower hundreds of other women along the way to do the same. 

Individually and collectively they have learnt a lot along the way, on what works and what does not. They are no strangers to the hot fires of transformation, and they have walked through many of these fires together: 

Amongst other things, they created the first Women’s Bridge-House together, called Dignity (https://dignity-bridgehouse.mystrikingly.com), and for 5 weeks intentionally shared a house with regular processing and collaboration. A Bridge-House is a living space to bridge into next culture together: to learn to create regenerative culture and remove the blocks that are in the way, at the same time training authentic life and communication skills together.

Along their unique paths they have sourced and refined incredible skills and talents that were hidden from them in their mainstream corporate lives. Having thousands of hours of training and real life experience and experimenting behind them, along with a thirst to continue to evolve, they are uniquely positioned to hold a safe space for you to explore your own radical aliveness and connection. For the third year in a row, and the fourth immersion, they are holding and navigating a space where women have the possibility to go deep within themselves to consciously meet their authentic aliveness, from there consciously sourcing the culture they want to live in.


Your wisdom of knowing a different world is possible.

Your 100% rage

Your 100% fear

Your 100% sadness

Your 100% joy

Your messiness

Your wild nature

Your hunger

Your visions and dreams

Your thirst for sisterhood

Your passion

Your love for all of life


As the spaceholders collectively hold and foster a radically responsible container during the 4 days there are some agreements that they ask everyone to agree to. These are: 

  • No consumption of alcohol
  • No consuming or coming to the event under the influence of drugs. 
  • No physical harming of yourself, the environment or anyone else.
  • You agree to not leave the location without checking in first with one of the main spaceholders and the rest of the group. 
  • You agree to the Terms and Conditions.

At Radically Alive Women’s Immersion, we will be using some distinctions from Possibility Management, and we are rooted in Gaia, the Earth consciousness. What this may look like specifically:

Feel and Reconnect

Feel and express your Feelings in a held space amongst other women. Your anger, sadness, fear and joy are welcome in their raw version. Learn how you can use them for healing and as a resource for your life, in connection with yourself and others.

Dance and Move

Discover the power and fun of dance and movement. Connect with your physical, mental, emotional, energetic and archetypal bodies in a deep and sustainable way. Your experience in those 5 bodies enables you to take away a new reference point in yourself.

Reclaim your Power

Activate your Anger as a resource for your clarity, innate authority, boundaries, and clear Yes and No. Shifting from “anger is bad” to “anger is a resource” makes your life force available to you, so that you can take a stand for what you really care about.


Rediscover or switch on your playfulness. Showing up exactly as you are, your aliveness will take you to new places. How do you play when you let yourself off the leash of societal norms?


What becomes possible when Women dance at the edge of evolution together, in a land of one hundred percent responsibility? Healing, lifting each other up, sharing authentically, are only some of the possibilities for Radically Alive Women.


Immersing in nature and nourishment with yummy food, sauna and hot tub will allow you to integrate what has been discovered.

Tui Events Park is nestled into Wainui Bay, next to the Abel Tasman National Park – 10 minutes to the beach. It is a beautiful setting that allows you to unfold in whichever shape and form is your unique expression of life.


Damiët Loor

Artist Magician

Damiët creates beautiful art – the banner for our Immersion is her creation. Her art extends to empowering Women to create their biggest art piece: their lives. Damiët holds space for Creation, Magic, and Witchery.

Sybille Biedert

Movement Magician

Sybille is an edge-worker and movement lover, passionate about the power of group work. She weaves her skills in Possibility Management & OpenFloor movement practise into her Trainings. Sybille creates transformational medicine, helping people to grow physically and emotionally within a community.

Annika Korsten

Earth Guardian and Food Sourceress

Annika weaves people, food and nature into a wild concoction of Gaian healing balm. As a Coach she empowers Women to stand in their Creations, walks paths previously unseen and heard of, and expands and heals the culture of Women’s Sexuality. She delights in simplicity.

Julia Neumann

Gaian Visionary

Julia empowers the Feminine, and Women to go first by remembering their innate power. She is passionate about conscious Anger as a fire resource making space for the other feelings – Sadness, Fear and Joy – to emerge and bring forth Women’s aliveness. Julia brings a broad variety of skills as a Possibility Management Coach, Edgecaster, and Creatress.