Good Girl Buster: Eva Daubert

“If women would bring forward their basic needs as necessities for their lives, this world would look very different.” Listen to this episode with Eva Daubert for a refreshing dose of aliveness and clarity. Eva Daubert is a Feldenkrais practitioner and a Possibility Management Spaceholder. She holds space for the workshop series “Good Girl Busters” …


Hear what this Podcast is about from Julia, the main spaceholder for this Podcast. Radically Alive Women – Next Women’s Culture Podcast aims to inspire and spark your own aliveness and courage through interviews with Radically Alive Women: Women that have taken steps towards Next Women’s Culture or that already live in it, as well …

Women go first

When women go first

Everything goes quiet. You can almost cut the air, that is how dense it is with tension. The women look down, gathering their focus. Their hands are shaking. Suddenly, the sound of an instrument breaks the silence. All women simultaneously pull back their shoulders, taking a warrior stance. They raise their heads high, open their …

Women's Culture

An invitation to women

Dear women, I find it hard to put into words the jewel that we are offering with this upcoming 3-day immersion. How can I describe the unborn? How do I describe a space that I haven’t been to? All I know is that it is possible: To come together in radical honesty, with clean and …

The Rising Tide

John F Kennedy once said “A rising tide lifts all boats.” So does a rising tide of women lift all – not only women, not only humans, but the whole world. What’s required for women to rise is to radically and honestly deal with that which women have suppressed for far too long: Their emotions, …