Julia Hill episode

Leaning into Fear

“I had a lot of self-doubt, too. But one of the things I’ve learned in my life is to trust my gut, trust my instincts, and when fear arises, instead of running away from it, to lean into it. And that if we lean into fear, it will show us what we need to know.”

Julia Butterfly Hill

To Thine Own Self Be True

In this episode of RAW Edgecast, Julia Butterfly Hill speaks with immense Clarity about what it takes to be a person who is able to be authentically herself, and to be a radical stand for life on this planet. She speaks into the necessity for collaboration as Women and calls forth the innate power within each person to make a real difference in this world. How important it is to go continuously beyond your comfort zone, lean into your fear, trust your gut, and be willing to make mistakes. It is in those mistakes that we learn and collectively grow our capacities as a human species, in that a different culture is born.

Listen to the full episode here.

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  • Inspiring. Encouraging. Empowering.

    Radically Alive Women (RAW) Edgecast broadcasts conversations with courageous Women (and some Men) to inspire, encourage and empower Women to take courage, be their authentic selves, speak up and take bold action at and beyond the edges of mainstream cultures.

    Interviews with Women that are making an impact, such as Julia Butterfly Hill, are reaching Women across the globe and spark their innate power: "If she can do it, I can, too - in my own way". A rising tide of radically alive Women lifts the whole world.

    The conversations are made available by Julia Neumann and a team of Women mainly free-of-charge. The Edgecast is financially supported through a Membership option and donations.

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