Women, Dignity and Archiarchy: Anne-Chloé Destremau

"Don't be left behind playing in a stupid gameworld. If it's not obvious that Patriarchy is a stupid culture, that would be something to be scared of."

Anne-Chloé Destremau is an Evolutionary Gameworld Builder and Spaceholder Trainer who lives at the center of the context of Possibility Management and in Radical Responsibility.

With her crystal clarity, she gives us a glimpse of the path of women towards Archiarchy, the culture that needs to emerge next, now that Patriarchy and Matriarchy have run their course. Archiarchy is a culture of Creative Collaboration between the archetypally-initiated Feminine and the archetypally-initiated Masculine.

Listen to this episode to hear more about why it is easier for women to imagine Archiarchy, the choices women have made in Patriarchy, how radically alive women could shift the game overnight, the role of mothers, and conscious fear, and the importance of getting radically on the side of life. At the end of the day, it is all about a Woman's Dignity.

You'll be stoked to hear some very practical and radical possibilities for your everyday life.

Anne-Chloé offers a range of online trainings, such as Fear Club, and gives a wide range of worktalks. As a Gameworld Consultant, she can rocket start your gameworld's shift into next culture and empower you along the way.

If you would like to hear more from Anne-Chloé about Archiarchal Woman, here is a video Interview worth watching:

"Is this the best we can do? No way!"