Unplugged: Janet Redmond

Janet Redmond is a Phase-One-Gameworld Builder. She is a bridge for people who know that something is not working in their modern culture life, and who want to know what else is possible. Janet is also a Possibilitator, a Communication Bridge Builder, an “Umi” (grandmother), and a Sourceress Sister – amongst other things. She also created her family business “DrainKing”, a drain unblocking company.

In this episode, Janet takes us on a journey of her life-long learning of what it means to be a Woman, and what it takes to undo the masculine mind. In our conversation, we keep coming back to the necessity to “unplug”, just like a blocked drain. It ain’t pretty, but absolutely necessary!

Janet offers coachings, healing processes, Building Communication Bridges workshops and “Reclaiming your Warrioress” anger trainings for women. Contact her for more information via janetredmond@gmail.com.

In this lively and feelings-filled interview, Janet mentions:

1) Clinton Callahan, the originator of Possibility Management, and Marion Lutz, his former partner, whom Janet met at a Transactional Analysis conference in 2006.

2) Archetypal Lineage: https://archetypallineage.mystrikingly.com/

You have an Archetypal Lineage… Everyone does… but none exactly like yours. Each Archetypal Lineage is unique. There are 4 categories of Archetypal Lineages. Probably your Archetypal Lineage fits into one of these categories, or it may have resonance with more than one category. (…)

3) Bright Principles: https://brightprinciples.mystrikingly.com/

Bright Principles are a force of nature. They are facets of the General Field of Consciousness out of which the Universe is made. Each Bright Principle is one aspect of the radiant aspects of archetypal love, the bright jewel at the center of the Great Labyrinth of spaces. These may seem like strange words, but they turn out to be practical and precise.

4) Transactional Analysis.

5)  Richard Erskine and his Integrative Psychotherapy.

6) Emotional Healing Processes: https://process.mystrikingly.com/.

Feelings are neutral energy and information serving a purpose in the moment. They last for a maximum of 3 minutes. Emotions feel the same but they last longer and they aren’t from this moment but often from the past. You may know what it’s like to be “triggered”. That is an emotional reaction.

Emotions are doorways for Healing. Emotional Healing Processes offer a space for healing emotions, making space for adulthood and authentic feelings.